Reports from the toughest adventure race in the world

In today's Prologue, the athletes already demonstrated their skills and motivation. The additional Night Passes went to the first three at the finish Wagrain Kleinarl: Chrigel Maurer (SUI), Maxime Pinot (FRA) and Thomas Friedrich (AUT). We are very proud of the fighting spirit shown by the NOVA pilots: Nicola Donini (ITA) finished sixth in the Prologue, Théo de Blic (FRA) came 19th and Ken Oguma (JAP) 24th. We congratulate all participating athletes and look forward to an exciting race.

Of course, we will be talking about the three NOVA pilots. But not exclusively. The content should be much broader and generally interesting for all cross-country pilots - regardless of the paraglider brand they fly. We believe that during the Corona lockdown we showed with the online lecture series "Insights" that even as a manufacturer you can provide information that is as independent as it is entertaining and educational. We also have this goal with the X-Alps blog.

Managing Director Sissi Eisl explains the background: "The Red Bull X-Alps are a fascinating competition – for pilots as well as for non-pilots. For this reason we are involved with three athletes, a specially developed glider, the EN D two-liner XENON, as well as the corresponding harness ARTUS. The X-Alps are organised absolutely perfectly as an adventure race. Nevertheless, there is one small thing missing in the media coverage: Red Bull aims - understandably - primarily to reach the highest possible numbers of audience. The perspective of real paraglider pilots sometimes comes up a bit short. We want to remedy that with our X-Alps blog."

Along the course, two professional photographers and videographers will provide gripping and authentic images: Vera Polaschegg and Ole Dalen. For the actual blog, NOVA has hired Roland Maeder and Till Gottbrath, two XC-enthusiastic journalists with a combined 71 years of paragliding experience.

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The positive: The Red Bull X-Alps can take place. Organiser Zooom Productions was under immense pressure: To cancel or not? What is allowed, what is not? What is ethically acceptable? Will the borders be passable? There must have been plans B, C, D etc. in the drawer... Sensibly, however, Red Bull calls on all X-Alps fans NOT to cheer the athletes live in action, but follow the race online. There is a special info about this: https://www.redbullxalps.com/news/spectator-info.html

Three athletes have to deal with a big disappointment even before the race starts: They will not be able to start. Dagfinn Graneng had to cancel because of the strict Corona regulations in his home country Norway. Kinga Masztalerz, the Polish competitor for New Zealand, cannot take part because of a fatigue fracture in her foot. Young Swiss Hanes Kämpf will not compete because of a positive Corona test.

The NOVA athletes Théo de Blic, Ken Oguma and Nick Donini are well and busy with the final preparations at the X-Alps preparation camp in Wagrain Kleinarl. The mood is great and all three are bursting with anticipation (and a little excitement too...). So, bookmark www.nova.eu/x-alps right now.
And these are the official sources: